Leap (2018)
Short Animation
Chris Yoon
Siwan Seok
Nicholas Lai
HJ Kim
LEAP is a short animation about the journey of a little boy conquering a relatable fear through the power of imagination. It was a project that I worked on with a team of four others to visualize a story that utilizes the lens of fear. We wanted to emphasize the idea that things are not as scary as they seem and we all just need to take a leap of faith.
Storyboard Artist, Designer, Illustrator, Color Design, and Style Design
Los Angeles Film Awards – Honorable Mention: Animation
Art Director's Club Merit Award for "Film Craft: Animation"
Style Frames
Set Design and Character Design
Animation in Duik ( Done by Chris Yoon and Nicholas Lai)
Short Animation
Chris Yoon
Siwan Seok
Nicholas Lai
HJ Kim
LEAP is a short animation about the journey of a little boy conquering a relatable fear through the power of imagination. It was a project that I worked on with a team of four others to visualize a story that utilizes the lens of fear. We wanted to emphasize the idea that things are not as scary as they seem and we all just need to take a leap of faith.
Storyboard Artist, Designer, Illustrator, Color Design, and Style Design
Los Angeles Film Awards – Honorable Mention: Animation
Art Director's Club Merit Award for "Film Craft: Animation"